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Changing WiFi Channels on SpeedTouch ST585

From Support
Revision as of 15:24, 29 October 2018 by Xx176 (talk | contribs)
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Summary of Configuration Information and Changes
Modem Login Page:

Modem Administrator User Name:

Modem Administrator Password:


DSL password (Default is password, if you reset modem)

Where to go in Menu: Wireless→Advanced
  • Channel: Switch from Auto to Least Congested Channel (Usually 3,4, 8 or 9)

1. Navigate to and type in the username “admin” and the password that was given to you.

2. Click on "Home Network" on the left-hand side.

3. Click on "Interfaces" below "Home Network" on the left-hand side.

4. Click on “WLAN: NCF...”.

5. Click on “Configure” at the top right corner.

6. From the dropdown of “Channel Selection”, select “Manual”.

7. The “Channel” option should now turn into a dropdown.

8. Select the channel to use and click “Apply” at the bottom right.


  • Wireless channels shouldn't have to be changed often (more than once every 6-12 months). If you find yourself making these changes too frequently, you may have to invest in a mid to high end router with additional channels on the 5Ghz frequency. Contact support@ncf.ca for recommendations if needed.

See Also

External links