Publishing Web Pages
What do I need to publish my web page?
In order to publish your web page, you need to compose it in HTML format on your computer. When you are ready to publish the page, you transfer the HTML file to your website on the NCF. Once the transfer is done, your web page becomes 'visible' on the World Wide Web.
Compose your web pages
Your main (first) page must be named index.html to make it the default first page that people see. Click [createwebpage.html here] to find out how to create HTML pages.
Transfer your web page to the NCF
We suggest using NCF's "Web File Manager" (because it requires no set-up) to transfer your HTML files from your computer to your website at NCF. Alternatively, you can use an FTPprogram.
- Using the NCF Web File Manager
Go to your personalized StartPage and click on 'Web File Manager' under 'Tools'.
- Using an FTP program
A good FTP (File Transfer Protocol) program is WS_FTP LE; click [ftp.html here] to find out how to use it to transfer files.
To transfer files to your personal website, use the following settings on your FTP program:
- Host Name/Address =
- User ID = accountID-1 (that's a dash one), e.g. ab123-1
Your web site is at
To transfer files to your organization website, use the following settings on your FTP program:
- Host Name/Address =
- User ID = accountID-n ('n' is a letter code assigned to the
organization, usually the first letter of the directory name)
Your web site is at
Tools for web page authors
NCF's "comment-taker" utility provides a way for readers of your web page to send you email without exposing your email address to spammers. Have a look at the [/ncf/support/faqMaker.jsp?faq=7 Comment-Taker FAQ] for more information.
How much space do I get?
There is no limit on the size of your website as long as there is enough space for everybody. If space becomes an issue, we will contact the people who use the most space.