== What is Freeport?
Today most people have windows-based graphical operating systems on their personal computer, but it wasn't like that when NCF started in 1992. Back in 1992, most people had DOS, which supported only 25 rows of 80 text characters. The text-based system that NCF operated back then was called 'FreePort'. FreePort has text-based mail readers, information menus, newsgroup readers, and so on -- and later, even a text-based web browser (it displays text but no images).
Some NCF members still use Freeport to check their email and to read newsgroups; it is simple and fast. However, you cannot use Freeport for more advanced NCF services.
There are two ways to connect to FreePort: 1) direct modem connection, and 2) using telnet (via PPP modem or over the internet). To connect to Freeport via telnet, go to your personalized StartPage and click on 'Telnet to NCF Freeport'.